Saturday, March 8, 2014

How Womens Studies Changed My Life

In honor of Women's Day 2014 I've decided to swallow my pride and admit I was wrong. That's pretty big stuff for me. I'm on a campaign of being right in my life and so me saying I'm wrong is like ... Well... Saying I'm wrong. But I am.

I signed up for women's studies expecting a few things:
1- to understand my sisters interpretation of the world as an active feminist
2- to get my humanities credits
3- and to receive what I thought would be an easy A.
 I felt going into this class I already had a good handle on my feminist ways. Of course I believe in women's rights. I always taught my kids to use the word vagina. And I totally would have voted for Hillary Clinton. Now if you're a feminist don't worry... I'm not still this ignorant. 

The first few weeks of class made me crazy. I wanted to punch so many women in the face for acting so victimy. I'm sorry your childhood sucked and can be real dicks, but so are you... Are just a few things that crossed my mind. "Like I'm not a part of a few statistics but you don't hear me whining like a little vagina do you?" (This thought actually went thru my judgy little head)  I'd leave class so angry that I paid money to sit thru this class for an entire term. 

The moment it changed for me it really changed my life. Around week 5 I just decided to go into class and accept everything I heard. I would Listen for the lesson. And guess what the hell happened ???  I got slapped in the face with a big fat lesson. And they were all lessons I was a preacher of in real life.
1-Here I was judging and victimizing myself to people who were being judgy and victimy. Ummmmm helloooooo Stephie Juice. You're doing what you were publicly screaming you hated.

2- I constantly preach about supporting each other. How especially as women, moms, sister, wives, ex wives and every other role we owe it to each other to listen and respect each others struggles even if we don't get it because if we won't do it for others, how can we expect people to do it for us.

So for the rest of the quarter I put down my boxing gloves, stepped off my soap box and made a conscious decision to just listen and respect the women in my class. Respect each others journey in hopes we all make it out stronger and better for where we have been.

The learning letters of the quarter were P- for patience. L- for listen.
And S- for shut the hell up Steph, it's not all about you.

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