Thursday, January 29, 2015

Girl with the MOST last names mommitment

My #mommitment to you;

I pledge to listen. Like really listen to you without thinking about what I'm going to say next. Because your children are beautiful amazing people. Because one day they will run our hospitals, schools, communities and government. Because today they are funny and smart and beautiful creatures full of wonder and belong to a mom who loves them like no other woman loves them.

Because no matter what you thought the day before you peed on that stick and saw that baby was coming I know that for you, that very day and test changed your life like it changed mine. Before that day we thought we knew everything. Then the day came when we held them in our arms and no matter what you did next, the weight of the world and the life in your arms changed your life just like mine. 

Because your heart has ached over big and small decisions. Because your tears have stung your eyes the same as mine have stung mine. Because your heart has ached in ways only we can understand. The sleepless nights, the fear of doing it wrong, the joy of doing it right and the burn of someone questioning our decision. 

I pledge to listen. Because we deserve each others support and quite honestly what you're doing is working. Your children are amazing. You are amazing. And we don't have to agree on what exactly we do that makes our children amazing. 

In fact what we need to do is teach our kids that they are uniquely and amazingly their very own person. That they will do things different than other people but that they should always respect those other people for being individuals and doing what makes them... Well, what makes them - them. 

Hmmmmmm. What a novel idea. 

SIGN THIS PETITION & Make your mommitment with Next Life No Kids and the rest of us here;

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