Monday, August 18, 2014

Hey, I'm THAT mom!

This is my response to the recent blog titled "don't be that mom" .... I'm disappointed and once again ashamed of the lack of support we as moms feel from each other at times. I read that blog with high hopes. I saw that obviously staged photo of the joyous jumping mom and the sullen group of kids standing next to her. I believe I actually felt joy for that mom and perhaps a smidge looked forward to that moment of my own coming in just a couple of weeks. But then I read the article. The joy killing article about how we aren't supposed to be THAT mom. What the what?!?! Once again someone got a hold of an idea and used it to shame the hell out of all the moms out there who are doing the happy dance to celebrate the end of summer. 

Remember this commercial?

Me too. I remember laughing until tears were coming out of my eyeballs. My kids were pretty little at that time and I didn't fully grasp that concept but it was still freaking hilarious. I have this motto in life; If they make a movie, write a book or feature it on a tv series (today I include and add commercials) it must be real. It must mean I'm not the only one who has felt that way and quite honestly that's the best dam feeling in the world isn't it? To know you aren't alone in your awkward feelings. To feel less shame knowing you relate to something someone else has experienced felt or understood? YES! I live for those moments.

As it pertains to going back to school this was my first summer as a stay at home mom. It was everything I imagined. There was chaos, joy, tears, fighting, eye rolling, arguing, activities, boredom, too much tv, not enough me time and the house was a disaster. All of that happened by noon on day 2 of summer & that meant a shit ton more time of life needed to happen. I loved just about every minute of this summer with my kids. Ok, fine maybe not every moment.  But as it's winding down it's really easy for me to look backwards and see how much fun it actually was. But you know what else.... I'm so happy that in 1 week, 6 days and 9 hours all 5 of those munchkins will be tucked into their desks under the authority and love of their new teachers. And you know what else... They know it too. They know it because they feel the same way. When I told my 7 year old school was just under 2 weeks away he said these exact words "I'm so happy and excited I could cry right now"!!!! Me too buddy. Me too.

In school there is routine, bed time, regular chores, hot lunches and scheduled snacks, friends, the absence of parents breathing down their little tan sun kissed necks, activities, less tv, and did I mention routine. Kids and parents alike thrive off of that routine. We need school to be back in session so that by winter break we all miss each other and can handle another round of "OMG our mom isn't working and is trying to run this house like Pinterest and Activities on caffeine mania". Having the kids at school means I can fill my pinterest board with the next round of ideas and have just enough amnesia to think they will do it willingly, without eye rolling and joy in their hearts that I am home for them. 

My 11 year old did mutter under his breath recently " I just wish you still worked" as we were leaving the house singing camp songs I learned as a child. Just kidding, I was screaming at the kids because no one was listening and when we got to the park I sat in the car on my phone the whole time because why??? Because I needed a freaking break.

So cheers... to the kids and to the moms who like me are "Being THAT mom" and welcoming back the school year with open arms, and admittadly a few tears in our eyes to see those pesky little rug rats growing up. Wipe those tears and go collapse on the couch Moms & dads! DO IT! You earned that summer badge of honor. WE ARE SURVIVORS! 

And to "THAT" mom who got ragged on, girl you are my hero. My kids would never stand still for that picture. SELFIE!!!!!

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