Saturday, February 22, 2014

My friends are turning 40

I have this distinct memory of preparing for my high school friends mom, 40th birthday party. We ran around the neighborhood posting signs and pictures of her with giant words: Lordy Lordy Mary's 40! We laughed. We snickered. And not once did I even think I'd ever be "that old". 

For the record I'm still not that old. But suddenly my friends are. And though I have the same snicker as I blow up my Social networking site with the same slogan ( replace Mary with correct friends name) it occurs to me... I kind of like it. 

40 used to be that old mom age that involved a mid life crisis, possible divorce and a new hair style. Turns out its still the same idea but with the added advantage of knowledge. At our age it's not a mid life crisis, rather an awakening of life around us. -Who is here? Why are they here? And do they have my best interest at heart? -Are just a few questions these 40 year old friends of mine are asking themselves. And when the answers are not what they hoped for its time to pack some bags and move along. 

The new hair isn't a younger thing, it's a stripe of honor. It says "I've survived the know it all 20's, paid for it in my 30's and here's my proof that I passed the test."
 (If you're in your 20's still and that comment offended you, it just proves my point) The new car isn't because there's anything wrong with the old one. It represents the life and love offered to so many people around you for so many years and realizing its time to treat yourself. 

What we don't give each other enough credit for, especially as women, is our hard work for others up to this point. The mid life crisis isn't a crisis at all. It's more a mid life awakening and we deserve to be supported thru it. Instead of pointing and whispering we should be saying "hell yes to the dress, new hair, tattoo and for kicking that guy to the curb." (Finally!) Maybe instead for making the decision to spice up the relationship with her man a little more. Either way its her life, her choice and until we are there personally, the journey makes very little sense. 

Trust each other. Trust your friends. Trust their choices and know when you do, it will be paid back in full when its your turn to experience this magical awakening.  And if its not paid back in full... Pack their bags and send them on their way. Right after the hair appointment and just before the new car purchase. 

1 comment:

  1. I love you and am loving reading your thoughts! Thanks for the incredible honor.
